The Arch Of Baal

The NWO is erecting replicas of the Arch from the Temple of Baal.
  1. The Arch Of Baal Wiki
  2. Baal Worship In America
  3. The Arch Of Baal Washington Dc
  4. The Arc Of Baal
  5. The Arch Of Baal Nyc

Information about Baal or Bael, the fallen angel. The first of the 72 spirits of Solomon (the 72 demons of the Goetia), Bael is a great and powerful king of Hell who governs the Eastern infernal regions, and is said to appear on conjuration in many different shapes, including that of a man with the head of a cat or toad, or even a human head.

  1. In the mysterious tablets of Ugarit, discovered by Claude Schaeffer, Baal is the God of rain, thunder, and extraordinary bolts of lightning. The worship of Baal extended in this region to the Jews, Canaanites and the Phoenicians. But Herodotus informs us the God was also known under many other names such as Jupiter of the Romans.
  2. The Arch of Baal – also known as the Arch of Palmyra – was reconstructed at the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC, on Thursday and displayed through Sunday, allowing spectators to marvel in the pagan.

In collaboration with UNESCO, the Global Elites plan to erect replicas of the arch of the Temple of Baal (Buh-ahl ) worldwide.

The arch is also referred to as the “Palyrma Triumphal Arch.” The arches were replicated using 3 D technology from a company called The Institute for Digital Archaeology. The 20 foot tall, 30 ton structures are crafted out of marble.

The arch is part of an initiative to restore a million artifacts that ISIS destroyed in the Middle East. Out of a million artifacts, this was their first choice- the arch from the Temple of Baal-(also called Bel) a deity who is synonymous with Satan.

The dates and locations seem to have special significance.

London-The first arch was erected in London in March of 2016 on Earth Day as part of UNESCO’s “World Heritage Week.” Since “Climate Change” is a tool to institute a single world government, Earth Day holds special significance.

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the Climate Change issue is simply a means to redistribute wealth across the globe. She referred to it as a “transformation of the world economy.”

In London the arch was illuminated in red during Passover

New York-The second time the arch was displayed was just about a year ago on September 19th. It was erected in in New York City in front of City Hall in the heart of the financial district.

This golden-hued monstrosity looks oddly out of place yet dominates the surroundings, very much like an idol, and reminiscent of the Golden Calf.

It is a fitting place, as those who would worship Baal would also seek control of our government, economy and monetary system. Baal worship translates to pleading for “fertility.” Today that translates to financial prosperity. Baal is a bull-headed deity. Wall street has its own golden bull idol close by.

Dubai-The arch was then displayed last February in Dubai just in time to honor the gathering of powerful world leaders who create policies that affect everyone on earth. The arch was erected on the opening day of the World Government Summit.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston voiced his concern that the arch symbolizes the dangerous fusion of Ishmael and Edom against Israel.


Italy-The arch was unveiled in Florence, Italy just in time for the G7 Conference. Italy was simultaneously showcasing art from ancient Babylon. Some art honored Nimrod, who as the motivating force behind building the Tower of Babel and represents rebellion against God.

By peering through the arch, a sculpture of Poseidon could be seen in the distance. It appeared as if Poseidon-who is associated with Nimrod- was entering the arch.


The arch was then displayed in Arona on the 29th of April.

The Arch Of Baal Wiki

The sales pitch is deceptively benign.

Ostensibly the arch project is not only to preserve history, but also to represent our ability to overcome challenges.

Roger Michael, the Director of the IDA effused,

The arch of baal nyc

“It is our hope that the arch, itself an icon of destruction and rebirth, will remind visitors of both the universality of suffering and the indomitable human capacity to rebuild what has been lost.”

For the Luciferian Elites, there would be no a greater “triumph” than wielding the power of Baal to overcome resistance to the New World Order-to destroy civilization as we know it.

Michael’s lofty words could refer to the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel that was built to defy God, which is now in the form of the EU Parliament. His statement may also forebode the rebuilding that will be required once the NWO has successfully annihilated sovereign countries.

As the Elite pitch the idea of restoring history, those in charge of the project and the MSM who report it, point to the more recent aspects of the arch’s history. It was overtaken for use as a Christian place of worship, then a mosque, then destroyed by ISIS. The sales pitch bypasses the most important aspect of the arch’s history…

Baal is synonymous with Moloch and Satan.

The blog New Euro-Med explains,

If one goes behind the common names of Satan and his Pharisee / Masonic name, Lucifer, a long known cult emerges: the Baal cult with child sacrifice, child abuse, and wild perversity.

The Satanic history of the arch.

All those arriving or leaving the Temple of Baal had to pass under the arch.


Worship involved sacrificing infants to be burned alive at the altar of Baal. As the infants were screaming and burning, worshipers engaged in bisexual orgies at the foot of the altar. They declared to Baal that good is evil and evil, good.

This ritual would supposedly please Baal who in turn, would bring rain to Mother Earth. This rain is equivalent to prosperity.

The Elites have erected this symbol of Satan worship and child sacrifice in public spaces worldwide. They intend to display the arch 1,000 times.

How convenient

The militia of the NWO Elites-the Radical Islamists- destroyed the original arch of the Temple of Baal. This provided a perfect excuse to replicate it and erect these portals for evil all over the world.

The Left echos the values of Baal and his wife Ashera.

Celebrating sexual perversity (often in front of children), indoctrinating young children into the radicalized LGBTQI agenda, pushing to normalize pedophilia and cheering the death and dismemberment of infants is about as evil as it gets.

The Globalist Left must be very pleasing to Baal.

If Baal worship for fertility while using child sacrifice seems contradictory, it makes sense when explained that today’s view of fertility is translated as wealth.

Most abortions-child sacrifice-are due to choosing personal superficial wealth and convenience above the life of a child who will be dismembered alive.

Even nonbelievers ought to be alarmed.

It should disturb everyone that so many who hold power in our government and the EU worship Lucifer, perform mock human sacrifice rituals at the Bohemian Grove and dabble in the occult and Dark Arts.

Even if a nonbeliever does not believe, the practitioner does. And it says everything about the practitioners’ values and priorities. These are the high powered people who seek and/or support world domination.

It says everything that the Left can be triggered by crucifixes and confederate statues and demand their removal, but revere a statue that represents Satan.

Baal Worship In America

Baphomet statue in Detroit. Reuters Image.

Rebellion against God is a common NWO theme.

The Arch Of Baal Washington Dc

The EU Parliament building is fashioned after the Tower of Babel.

As you know, the Biblical story is that King Nimrod instructed the Babylonians to build the Tower of Babel to defy God. They were able to construct the tower because they could communicate in one common language. God saw their power and intent, so to punish them and to prevent them from attaining whatever they wanted, God mixed up the languages.

The motto of the EU is “Many tongues. One voice.” Pope Francis is ditching Catholic doctrines to favor one Global religion. There is also a push for one world language.

(left) EU Parliament–(center) EU Poster–(right)Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The NWO Elites chose Baal.

Out of the million artifacts slated for reproduction, it is disturbing that the elite in charge have such awe for Baal that they would invest such time, focus, energy and money to see that the gateway to Baal’s Temple is erected worldwide.

There would be an uproar about putting up any other religious monument in a public space, but Baal/ Molech/Satan is honored.

When people worship Satan or Lucifer and incorporate violence, pedophilia and blood sacrifice into their practices, that is incredibly horrifying and unacceptable. Nonbelievers or skeptics scoff at the idea that it would go so far as that while choosing to ignore evidence of mock rituals of human sacrifice.

One infamous case in point is the mock (?) ritual of human sacrifice called ” The Cremation of Care.” Many readers are familiar with the giant statue of an owl called “Care” in the Bohemian Grove.

Bohemian Grove, deep in the California woods, is an orgiastic summer romp of men who hold the greatest positions of power across the globe. This is the deeply disturbing behavior of those in charge of our lives and our children’s futures. These are the people who seek to literally rule the world. This ritual provides a means to relieve them of conscience to pursue their goals at any cost.


There’s two reasons why it’s so hard to believe that the Elites who rule the world practice the Dark Arts and worship Lucifer.

1) We have been programmed to “worship idols.” Those who hold positions in government, organized religion, education and the entertainment business are constantly put on pedestals.

2)It is almost impossible for a decent human being to fathom the depths of depravity that sub-human monsters are capable of in order to reach their goals or indulge their desires.

This is IMO one of the reasons why all Jews didn’t flee when given the chance. This is why they seemed to meekly submit to boarding the trains and entering the showers. The evil was more profound than their psyche could acknowledge.

The Arch Of Baal

Hitler was the Granddaddy of the New World Order

The Arc Of Baal

Skeptical or not, the arches of Baal are very real.

The Left ridicules people of faith for believing in God. They deny Him, but they believe in Him enough to wage war on Him.

Lucifer is their god.

We are embroiled in the epic battle of good over evil -the New World Order vs Moschiach. If only the majority of us had one tenth the faith, reverence and tireless energy for our God that the Elites devote to Lucifer.

Your thoughts? Comment Below so they don’t get lost in the facebook feed!

Arizona Daily Independent-UN official-climate change is wealth distribution

Breaking Israel News-Arch in Dubai

The up in Italy for G7


Jewish Encyclopedia-Nimrod

A 50-foot replica of the arch forming the entrance to the Temple of Baal was installed in New York earlier this month, honouring the symbol of a pagan God that ISIS destroyed in 2015. ISIS in Syria were blowing up as many ancient artefacts as they could. One of the things they destroyed was a temple to Baal. ISIS destroyed many religious buildings pagan and Christian in the name of freedom and victory. If you go back into the history of Baal worship this is exactly what it represents. The Satanic Bible quotes “Do what thou wilt.” Nike the Goddess of Victory quotes “Just do it.” What’s interesting is in the name of archaeology that they have rebuilt the Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph or the Arch of Septimius Severus. The archway represents a portal entering one dimension to another. Baal worship, in reality, corresponds exactly to activities that society freely participate in today. They do so without really understanding the nature of idolatry, for idolatry is simply the enjoyment of things that transgress the divine law of God. Modern society is setting the stage for the coming anti-Christ. If we take chem-trails there are two metals used barium and aluminium (Ba-Al). An evil goat statue was put up in Arkansas right beside the Ten Commandments. Baal in Hebrew means boss or lord, and is speaking of the fallen ones from the divine realm. The fallen ones are Satan and his demons who want freedom from God. Baal worship was centred around drug and alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, and child sacrifice in the biblical times. In the New Testament Baal became Beelzebub or lord of the flies a major demon. Jesus identifies Beelzebub in the gospel of Luke as Satan. This is the modern worship of Satan by name-calling him lord or boss. Beltane, an anglicised reference to the god Baal is still worshipped throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. The Arch of the Palmyra Temple of Bel (Baal) was standing in Trafalgar Square in London. Beltane Fire Festivals are held all over the world, perpetuated as part of ancient Gaelic culture. They are frequently billed as family events, with children being given special discounts. Satan always targets the child. In London they aligned the arch opening to the Beltane festival. The Satanic Calendar is comprised up of 4 periods of 13 weeks each, 4×13=52. The number 13 is crucial for those practising the pagan arts. 52 weeks with 4 highly occultic phases, spread out over 13 cycles of negative energy each. The 4 highly occultic phases are marked by the 2 Equinoxes and 2 Solstices with specific requirements to human sacrifice, child sacrifice, blood and or, high emotions of nudity and dancing. Beltane latterly means the fires to Baal. Beltane is the sensual Baal festival of fire and fertility, and is also known as May Day when people dance erotically around the omnipotent phallic symbol the maypole. The red and white ribbons woven around the maypole represent the blood and semen; the sacred fusion of female and male energies that are the creative life force. Spells are cast for fertility, love or sexual desire. They took the arch to Dubai and opened it with the world governing summit. Their goal was to bring all the nations of the world under one umbrella of Baal worship. The world is so deceived by the globalist spirit that they believe anything. Isn’t it ironic that we are told we live on a ball earth-Bal-Baal-Ball)?

The Arch Of Baal Nyc

Satan is taking a victory march across the power centres of the world. A few months later the Arch goes to Florence in Italy for the opening of the G7 summit. In the last days the Bible states there will be a demonic outpouring around the earth. Satanic spirits will leach around the planet seducing the world. The problem with deception is that it is so cunning. The greatest misleading is often hidden in plain sight. Most deception contains elements of truth to deceive the unwary and the ignorant. We have eaten from the tree of good and evil so it should be of no real surprise. D-Day or Operation Overlord was launched at 6 AM on the 6th day of the 6th month of 1944. Is it any coincidence it spells out 666?

History is repeating itself. Many churches today take a soft stance on sin, and embrace many pagan practises into the mix. Divorce, remarriage and sexual immorality is found in our fellowship, and brushed under the carpet. Some churches even approve of the barbaric act of abortion. Like the ancient Jews, they are mixing the worship of Christ with the worship of Baal. The Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland is the world’s longest and deepest railway tunnel. It was unveiled with a satanic ceremony featuring a (goat-man) who dies and is resurrected, women simulating sex with each other, and rhythmic workers walking to a hypnotic drumbeat. A man dressed as a horned goat then appears and takes over as Lord or boss of the ceremonies. The top leaders of the world also were present at this Satanic event. In the Hindu religion, there is a statue of Shiva outside the complex. This form of the dancing Baal is known as the Nataraj and symbolises Shakti, or life force. As a plaque alongside the statue explains, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the universe into existence, motivates it, and will eventually destroy it. The Olympics in 2012 when it opened how many people tweeted, wrote and articled about how satanic the ceremony was?

The Olympic Stadium is strategically positioned on the planets energy grid to tap into the immense London and British power bases and this is why Glastonbury Tor, one of the most significant earth-vortex points in the UK, is the jewel of the opening ceremony. People watching the opening ceremonies on television and the Olympics Bell (Baal) bonded its Satanic frequency to their electromagnetic fields. A lot of entertainers around the earth openly admit that they channel spirits to connect with Baal or Satan. Why do most people not even consider digging deeper into things?

Why when they do, they turn a blind eye from truth over tradition?

The demonic have a technology platform now with media and the internet on the go 24/7. We can pummel the world with seducing spirits into submission:

Isaiah 13:21

“But desert beasts will lie down there, and their houses will be full of howling creatures; their owls will dwell, and (goat-demons) will dance there.”

Isaiah 34:14

“And desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and (goat-demons) will call out to each other. There also Liliths will settle, and find for themselves a resting place.”

Leviticus 17:7

“They are no longer to slaughter their sacrifices to the (goat demons), with whom they have been committing prostitution. This will be a perpetual statute for you throughout your generations. “

Isn’t it interesting that goat demons are found everywhere like in energy drinks?

The half-goat, half-man images are popping up all over the world where demonic forces gather. God had established the first and second temple so we would meet with Him. Satan replicates everything and is attacking the human body which is now a temple to the Holy Spirit. If it’s just superstition why do the first two Ten Commandments talk about that?

  1. “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange (gods) (always a small letter g) before Me.”
  2. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.”

God calls himself the ultimate God with a capital G. Gods before Him mean any from the fallen realm including their image which has been the temptation of the world ever since the fall of humanity. Some of the Kings of

ancient Israel reintroduced the goat-demon worship or Baal in another form.