How To Pass Engineering Chemistry

How to pass the board exam? Here are 5 simple yet effective tips on how you can pass the PRC exam. It was also one of the questions I had in mind when I took the licensure exam for engineers way back some years ago. I am proud to say that I passed it on the first take.

  1. How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Impact Factor
  2. How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Degree
  3. How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Vtu

Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook. Fundamentals of Chemistry. Introductory Chemistry. Basic Physical Chemistry. Chemistry for Chemical Engineers. Basic Concepts of Chemistry. The Evolution of Modern Science. Introduction to Chemistry. Partial Differential Equations. Fundamentals of Green Chemistry. Essential Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. Science AP®︎/College Chemistry Atoms, compounds, and ions Introduction to the atom Preparing to study chemistry A summary of math and science knowledge to get you ready for learning chemistry on Khan Academy! You'll take basic, organic, and physical chemistry, as well has a minimum of 8 hours of physics. the latter two are more math based. Kinetics (rates of reactions) involves some chemistry and more math, but once you've finished those, you won't do much actual chemistry. Nobody goes into an exam room smiling unless you stole all the answers to the questions. It is very normal to be in doubt over how prepared you are for a given exam but the worrying may actually make the chances of failing higher. Just how ready are you for the exam? Take up the test below and see if you will pass your exams.

Have you asked yourself “do I really need to pass the board exam?” the answer is “it depends.” If you belong to technical courses like engineering, there are some companies that do not require an applicant to pass the licensure exam although most of the time they would say it is an advantage.

Salary wise, passing the board exams is really an advantage because you can receive a slightly higher salary offer as compared to other applicants who do not have a license. For an accountancy graduate, you can apply for a job that does not require a CPA license but then your privileges are on hold.

For teachers, I think in order to apply for a job you also really have to pass the Licensure Exam for Teachers ( LET ). For medical courses (Doctors, Nurse, Physical Therapy, MedTech) having a valid PRC license is really a big deal. As far as I know, you cannot practice your profession without your license so you really have to pass the licensure examination.

Are you ready to read my tips on how to pass the board exam? Read the five simple things I did to pass the board exam including tricks and prayers below.

Read: PRC Online Application for Board Exam: Guide for First Timers

Top 5 Tips I did to pass the PRC Board / Licensure Exam

1. First thing I did to pass the board exam is to attend a review center course

At school, most of the time our professors would teach us about solving problems based on what the book says, but in the review class, you would learn almost every technique to reduce time in solving a particular problem. They would also derive every formula in the book so you can better understand where are all those formulas are coming from. Also, the instructors in the review center would give you tips about the trend of questions during the actual exam.


There are three ways of choosing the review center. First, I asked my schoolmates ahead of me who already passed the exam about their preferred review center. Second, I did research about the existing review centers for my field. Let your fingers do the walking, just search for it online.

Third, is to determine which review center has the highest number of board exam passers based on percentage, topnotchers from the recently held licensure exam in your chosen field. They usually post the details on their website, and hang tarpaulins on their review center’s building, because it is a plus factor to attract prospective reviewees like you (hahahaha).

I would suggest that you choose a review center that is already in the field for so many years because they are most experienced.

Invest in review materials, purchase additional review books if you must.

Just a reminder, do not rely much on review centers ok? Make sure that you have enough stock knowledge that you have acquired during your undergraduate years before enrolling in review centers. The reason is they can only help you so much. You still have to do most of the work after the review class has ended.

2. I attend a refresher course (optional)

In this course, simulations of the actual exam are being done. So I answered the questions the best that I could. I focused and took it seriously because I’ll never know if those questions will appear on the real board exam. I know a friend who did not take the course who actually became number 3 in the board exam. During the review, I don’t overwork myself. I don’t stay up late at night, it would affect my ability to memorize formulas and terms.

If you want to attend the refresher course but can’t due to financial constraints, you can borrow questionnaires from your batchmates / friends who attend the refresher course. Just photocopy it and return it to them. I am pretty sure, they are more than willing to help you.

For those who have the budget, share the review materials with your batchmates. Always remember that you guys are not competing with each other as you are all chasing the same dream – to pass the board exam.

3. What I did religiously to pass the board exam

Prayers can move mountains. I prayed all the time, believing and trusting Him. As the verse in bible says “And all things you ask in prayer, believe and you shall receive.” Matthew 21:22. I attended novena to St. Jude Thadeus, it would only consume an hour of a week for nine days. This is beyond any belief but during the Novena, I once bring my calculator and pencil and have it blessed by holy water.

As the saying goes: “Do your best and GOD will do the rest,” is still applicable these days. Pray for guidance but you should also study hard. You still need to exert effort to memories formulas and solve problems.

4. Review at Home

Of course, most of the time you will be staying at home, so review. Make a study schedule and follow it so you can still maintain a balanced life while preparing for the big two days / three days / four days board exam. Remove all destruction while reviewing; mobile phones, laptop, Facebook, Twitter, DOTA, and everything that will let you lose your focus. When you have focus, there is momentum, you became better in solving problems, in decision making, and there will be clarity.

If you intend to, you can stay inside your room to study but get out of your cave and talk to your family members from time to time. You can also take this moment as your break time after studying for a number of hours. Always remember that resting is part of your study process. This way, you can maintain your sanity and productivity hahaha.

Do some physical activities such as exercise, you don’t need to go to the gym. You can do some jumping jacks, chair pushups, jogging in place, and situps. It can help reduce stress, maintain good blood circulation, and focus.

I also write the formulas and keywords on a huge manila paper and post it on my room’s wall so I do not have to search the pages of my books or notes for it. This is advantageous on your part because seeing equations and key phrases every day will help you memorize it easily. For better visualization of what I am talking about, you can check the wall of a board exam topnotcher in the photo below:


5. One Day before the board exam

I visited the location of the school where the licensure exam will be held so that during the exam I won’t be rushing looking for the place. Knowing the place helped me feel very prepared on that day.

How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Impact Factor

During the Board Exam, I woke up early and I arrived at the place 30 minutes before the exam time. I also wore comfortable clothes, or in some cases, you need to wear the prescribed uniform. For example, if you will be taking the board exam for nurses, you have to wear your white uniform.

The exam would last for about 8 hours per day, so I brought Gatorade and mammon just to keep my stomach alive and kicking. I did not eat a heavy meal in breaks during the exam as it can make me sleepy and my focus will be lessened. I did it for 3 consecutive days.

Before I start the test, I prayed that all of the questions listed on the board exam were those I reviewed. The reason is I know that I did not come to the exam without knowledge. I know that I am prepared but the exam covers so many topics. I practically do not know what questions will be picked to put in the exam papers by the guys from PRC. Besides, there is nothing to lose but more to gain when we pray.

6. Bonus: Words of Wisdom from a Take One Board Exam Passer

Don’t show up in the exam venue unprepared, do not come without studying. You have enough time and a number of months to prepare prior to that big day so don’t waste it.

Let me remind the exam takers to always follow instructions in answering the test papers. Use your time well and don’t be overconfident. I mean don’t count your perceived correct answers and mistakes. Just answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.

Board exam questions are tricky, you should take note of the details especially decimal differences given in the multiple choice. Double check your answer as much as possible.

Also, don’t tell your co-examinees that the exam is easy to try to look smart because it can backfire sometimes especially when the results are out and you can’t see your name on it (hehehe). I know people who think that way, yet their names did not appear on the list out of the thousands of board passers.

If you think the PRC licensure exam is easy, keep it to yourself for the time being. Be humble until when the list of passers is out and your name is included in the list. Then that is the time to brag about it (with grin smile) hahaha. After all, you are the one who did all the hard work to make it happen.

How to pass chemistry regents

If you passed the board exam, here are the steps to register for oathtaking. At this point, all I can say is congratulations for a job well done.

If somehow you didn’t make it on your first take, don’t be discouraged, after six months re-take the exam. Never quit, study harder, and also pray harder. Allow me to share this quote with you:


How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Degree

“There are no failures, only quitters. – Russell Simmons”

This is how I passed the board exam

How To Pass Engineering Chemistry Vtu

How about you? Can you share how you were able to pass the board exam? If you are planning to take the exam, can you share your preparations? If you think this post would help your friends pass the exam, please share this with them.